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Episode 6: There's Treasure in The Dark

Episode 6: There's Treasure in The Dark

This is an episode from Storyteller Tactics' marketing campaign, brought to you by Man in a Hole and Circle of Life

The row with Finance has escalated. 

More people CC’d in, more chaotic cat-herding for Ravi to manage. Finally, he gets Emma, Finance and the agency boss on a short call. If this was a Cockney gangster movie, the meeting would be called “a straightener.”

Emma says she had to move fast in difficult circumstances to keep the client happy.

Finance says you can’t go rogue with company cash. 

The boss says the rules are there for a reason, but Emma made the right call. Just communicate it better next time.

Away from the call, a DM from the boss. “Manage your team properly, Ravi.”

Ravi feels ten years old. Like that time his little sister cut her own hair, and he got told off by his dad for not stopping her. Actually, that’s what’s going on here: a family drama. Sunk in the gloomiest moment of his week, Ravi finds a glimmer of an idea. 

There’s treasure in the dark.

Family drama. That’s interesting, Ravi thinks. Maybe I can work with that.  


This week’s Storyteller Tactics

I used these tactics on this week’s episode of Ravi’s story:

Man in a Hole

This story arc takes us out of our comfort zone and into a crisis. But it’s at our lowest point that we find something useful: new knowledge. We use this hard-won wisdom to climb out of the hole, as Ravi will discover next week. 

See the Man in a Hole tactic ➔


Circle of Life

Not just a great Elton John song, but a way of seeing characters according to life-stages we all recognise. Emma is acting out a Rebel archetype, capable of being both maverick and cheat. The boss acts out a Father archetype, at once benevolent and tyrannical. Ravi has been trying to be everyone’s friend, perhaps it’s time he tried another role.

See the Circle of Life tactic ➔

Next episode: Ravi grows up, fast

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