How to Why


From Episode 15 of the weekly Storyteller Tactics episodes

Each week we release a new story and two Storyteller Tactics cards from the deck, launching on Kickstarter later this year.

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What is the How to Why tactic?

Stuck in an innovation rut? Stop talking about your "hows" and think about your user's "whys"

It's easy to get hung up on the difficulties of innovation: how are we going to build this or how might we pay for that? So, if your project is bogged down, remember that your users or customers won't really care how you did it. They will simply want to know "why does this matter to me?"


How to use How to Why

Start the session by recapping the main issues and difficulties (your "how are we going to...?" questions).

Now ask people to shift their attention away from the problems you face now and imagine the future of the end-user or customer. Start with How to Why, then move on to What, Who, When and Where.

1. How to Why:

  • Why does this matter to me? (the customer)
  • Why should I care?

2. How to What:

  • What difference will it make?
  • What's in it for me?

3. How to Who:

  • Who's else might benefit from this?
  • Who would recommend this to me?

4. How to When:

  • When I'm using this, what will it be like?
  • When will I see a difference?

5. How to Where:

  • Where could this take me?
  • Where do I want to be?

At the end of the session, go back to your "How are we going to...?" questions. See if the imagined future stories of your customers give you the inspiration to tackle those problems. 


    🤔 Confused? Enlightened?

    Let us know! We are still developing Storyteller Tactics. Drop us an email with your feedback. We reply to every single one.

    - Charles & Steve.

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