
Trusted by 100,000+ professionals

The quality is insane and the value of this deck is way beyond what I paid for. I now have a secret super power!

Geneviève Filteau
Business Owner & Coach

Over 200,000 sold worldwide

How it works

Storyteller Tactics saves you hours of time with its 54 universal templates that help you generate ideas, structure stories and add some creativity to your content.

The right story at the right time.

How do you know what kind of story to tell?

You’ll always choose the right approach with our Story Building System. A simple set of questions helps you find the most useful category of tactics.

Whether it comes in before you film or write or while you’re already editing, Storyteller Tactics can make your content hard to miss.

Clear step-by-step instructions. No jargon.

Each tactic fits on the back of a card, so you get straight to the point.

The jargon-free instructions and prompts are easy to follow, for novices and experts alike.

Never run out of ideas again.

The cards are interconnected, allowing you to play with hundreds of different storylines.

They’re not just an idea for your next video, but a story bank to refer to for your entire career.

Look inside Storyteller Tactics

Over 200,000 sold worldwide

Video masterclasses that transform you into the ultimate storyteller

Get the Complete Package and unlock video masterclasses showing you real-life examples for each tactic.

“A great companion to help build the storyline for our marketing! Incredible value for money”

Sean Su
Head of Design, Asia Pacific at Logitech

Over 200,000 sold worldwide

200,000+ views in 90 minutes

Take a look at how our Gannon used just two cards to make his video go viral ↓

Customers sharing their love

“I made back the cost within an hour of using it.” — James M.

4.8/5(537) total rating

Get Storyteller Tactics and:

  • Generate ideas fast
  • Give your content an emotional edge
  • Truly connect with your audience
Get Storyteller Tactics

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