Three Ts
From Episode 1 of the weekly Storyteller Tactics episodes

Each week we release an episode containing two tactics from the up and coming Storyteller Tactics card deck.
Each episode shows you how our characters use the power of story to overcome challenges (and how they also help us write their narratives!)
What is the Three Ts story tactic?
What if someone puts you on the spot: you need to tell a story RIGHT NOW! Reach for the Three Ts.
- Timeline: beginning, middle and end.
- Turning Points: realisation, decision and change.
- Tensions: anxious moments and conflict.
(And there's a 4th T you should find at the end of your on-the-spot story - your Teachable Moment)
This tactic will help you practice and develop your conversational storytelling.
ℹ️ Remember: story is everywhere.
When you tell stories, people pay attention, and most importantly - stories are never forgotten.
The opportunities for using Storyteller Tactics in your work are endless. From emails, pitches, job interviews, or show and tells.
There's no right or wrong way to use them. Experiment and play. You'll find what works best for you.
How to use Three Ts
Write a one line heading for your story. Now try three versions out loud, to yourself or a colleague/friend:
1. Timeline: this is storytelling at its most basic: Beginning, Middle and End. Or even simpler: Before and After.
- What was the first stage (usually a problem you're trying to fix)
- What did you do?
- How did it work out?
You can mess with the Timeline: start at The End, then tell us how you got there in a few short "flashbacks".
2. Turning Points: this is slightly more advanced storytelling.
- What was the moment you realised you had a problem (or could see a solution)?
- What made you decide to act?
- What was the moment when everything changed?
You could start your story with one of these moments, then switch into a simple Timeline show us how it works out.
3. Tensions: what are the high points and low points of the experience you're recounting? Where's the conflict and anxiety? Start with a moment of maximum tension, then tell us how it works out. For example, "At the start of the Covid pandemic, I lost all my clients in a week..."
Now the 4th T: your teachable moment. Is the moral of your story clear? (eg; "So I guess the point is...")
Check your different versions:
- Will your story create a vivid image in our heads? (If not, work on your "moments" with the Movie Time tactic [coming soon])
- Which version is best for landing your teachable moment?
- Which version do you feel most comfortable telling? This matters, because we can sense when you're "putting on a show" rather than speaking "naturally".
🤔 Confused? Enlightened?
Let us know! We are still developing Storyteller Tactics. Drop us an email with your feedback. We reply to every single one.
- Charles & Steve.