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PPP #118: The curse of knowledge

PPP #118: The curse of knowledge
Pip’s Practical Prompts Newsletter
Sent by Charles Burdett


The curse of knowledge

Most teams forget the most obvious way of improving their product - using it.

You know how your product is supposed to work.  

But without regular usage, you create blind spots and risk missing the little things your customers may struggle with.

To get closer to them, use your product regularly with a beginner’s mindset.

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A win-win situation

Are you stressed at work?

Even though it might sound counterintuitive, mentoring colleagues might help.

According to Harvard Business Review, people who become mentors feel less anxiety about their work and see it as more meaningful.

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A chef’s approach

Do you hate to-do lists? Try a burner list instead.

This is a system from the book Make TimeIt tells you to separate your tasks into three sections: 
  • the front burner for your most important project
  • the back burner for your 2nd most important project that you'd like to make time for
  • the kitchen sink for the nice-to-haves that can wait a little while.

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— Dave Cunningham, Head of DesignOps @ NHS