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PPP #134: Step on the cracks

PPP #134: Step on the cracks
Pip’s Practical Prompts Newsletter
Sent by Charles Burdett


Step on the cracks

There’s yet another type of procrastination – inventing secret rules.

Like when you walk on a pavement and try not to step on the cracks – but it only slows you down.

Ask yourself: do you abide by unnecessary rules when working? Could you let go of them?

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The 10-Minute Rule

Steve Jobs used this tactic whenever he was working on a challenging project.

If he could not solve a problem within 10 minutes of intense mental work, he would get up and take a walk.

Next time you encounter a block, try doing the same (you could also swap a walk for a coffee break if the weather is terrible!) 

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Keep the reserves

As part of an old military tactic, an army would attack the enemy in a few different areas so that they use all their reserves to defend themselves.

Then, the army would attack another part of the line, which could no longer be defended.

As a team, putting all your energy into smaller tasks can make you weaker, so it’s important not to give them your all. You need those ‘reserves’ for real emergencies.

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