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PPP #58: Beyond the satisfactory

PPP #58: Beyond the satisfactory
Pip’s Practical Prompts Newsletter
Sent by Charles Burdett


Push to grow

Push your team to go beyond the satisfactory.

Challenge them to take ownership of their work and work alongside them to facilitate this process.

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Stand up

Don't try to be funny.

The best humour arises organically from everyday life's relatable flaws and frustrations.

Your audience is more likely to laugh at a story about your car breaking down than a manufactured set-up and punchline. 

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Exploration is key

Facilitation should provide a space for your participants to discover new solutions themselves.

Limit your lectures to less than 10 minutes, and give time for questions and discussions.

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One of the few newsletters I look forward to.
— Dave Cunningham, Head of DesignOps @ NHS