PPP #102: Embrace the slump

PPP #102: Embrace the slump
Pip’s Practical Prompts Newsletter
Sent by Charles Burdett


What do you believe in?

Are you stuck preparing a presentation or writing an inspiring story?

Get an A5 sheet of paper and a pen.

To get to the bottom of what you want to get across, start with these magic words: This I believe…

Write until you have a full page of text. What you write should remind you of your mission - inject that into your work.

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Less is more

Research shows that humans are biased towards adding rather than removing when solving problems.

We think buying a sunrise alarm and melatonin gummies should help us sleep better. But we don’t think about reducing screen time or caffeine before bed.

When facing a problem, ask yourself: is there anything I need to remove?

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Embrace the slump

We know from tracking athletes' careers that they often reach new heights shortly after the biggest drop in performance.

This is why you shouldn’t be put off by a failure.

Instead, stop and learn - and use it as a launching pad to your best work yet.

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