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PPP #122: Habit stacking

PPP #122: Habit stacking
Pip’s Practical Prompts Newsletter
Sent by Charles Burdett


Habit stacking

Want to improve without big changes to your routine?

Try habit stacking - adding a new habit to an existing one.

For example, you could stand on one leg (which will improve your balance) every time you brush your teeth.

This might seem like a small change, but it is always better than nothing - and your future self will thank you for it!

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Not so negative

Are you cornered, having to choose between two rather negative options? 

You don’t have to go for ‘the lesser evil’. 

Choose the option that creates more future options - even if it seems worse in the short term.

This will give you more chances of solving the problem later.

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Silly scenarios

Are you stuck trying to make your product better? It’s time to come up with some silly scenarios.

Unrealistic hypotheticals can unlock your creativity - and help define your goals and limitations.

What would your product look like if you… 
  • could charge 100 times the current price? 
  • could only do everything by hand?
  • had access to all the data you can think of?

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