Strategic leadership: Definition, traits and examples

Leadership is more than supervising, writing employee reviews and balancing the budget. 

And a leader looking to empower, motivate and encourage their team must look beyond basic managerial techniques.

Strategic leadership is critical for organizations aiming to survive and thrive during constant change and uncertainty. 

But what exactly is strategic leadership, and how does it differ from other styles? How can you embrace strategic leadership and hone your skills? Let’s find out. 

What is strategic leadership?

At its core, strategic leadership sets goals, solves complex problems and develops a long-term vision for the organization that everyone can work toward.

Traditional leadership often focuses on the day-to-day and short-term objectives. In contrast, strategic leadership considers a long-term vision, the competitive landscape and external factors that may impact the organization. 

A strategic leader’s creativity, decisiveness, and visionary skills promote a culture of excellence, driving an organization's long-term success.

The strategic leadership process

Becoming a strategic leader is a complex process that involves:

  • understanding the nuances of various leadership styles,
  • continuously developing the essential skills required for strategic leadership, 
  • investing in self-development and
  • leading by example, not just by directive.

In addition to prioritizing continuous personal development, strategic leaders must anticipate challenges, take decisive action and foster innovation. 

Strategic leadership: The essential skills

For some people, strategic leadership comes naturally. However, developing and refining key skills is essential to success. Focusing on these areas can help any leader enhance their strategic capabilities: 


Being observant and staying ahead of the curve can help leaders make wise, proactive decisions.

Great strategic leaders anticipate changes in the business environment and spot industry trends, emerging opportunities and potential threats.


Challenging the status quo is standard for strategic leaders. They encourage innovative thinking within their teams, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

These leaders eagerly question existing practices if it means driving meaningful change.


Effective strategic leaders possess strong analytical skills. Whether they’re interpreting data and market insights or filtering out unnecessary information in their environment, they know what’s important. This helps them make informed, strategic decisions. 


Decisiveness involves considering available information, evaluating potential outcomes and committing to a course of action.

Strong leaders must make quick decisions and weigh risk and reward, often with minimal information. 

Building upon these essential skills

These key skills complement each other and often coexist. For instance, someone who anticipates problems often thrives when making difficult decisions. They’ve already thought ahead and prepared for the situation. 

A leader who is unafraid of challenges will easily make quick decisions. 

Learning how to use these skills together will enhance your strategic leadership abilities. 

The qualities of a strategic leader

Several key qualities are necessary for effective leadership. Recognizing and cultivating these strengths is essential for growth and development as a strategic leader. 

Focus on these attributes to enhance your ability to guide your organization toward success:

Cultivating innovation

Strategic leaders encourage creativity, experimentation and calculated risk-taking. They recognize that innovation is essential to staying ahead in rapidly evolving markets. 

As a strategic leader, it’s important to constantly seek opportunities for innovation and growth.

Seeking wisdom

As lifelong learners, strategic leaders actively pursue knowledge from diverse sources. They surround themselves with smart, capable people and tap into their collective wisdom to make informed choices. 

Driving excellence

Strategic leaders set high standards for themselves and their teams, striving for excellence in everything they do. They naturally inspire others to perform at their best and continuously raise the bar for performance and innovation. 

Acting decisively 

These leaders understand the importance of decisive action. While they value careful deliberation, they also understand the importance of acting quickly. Strategic leaders are not indecisive or afraid of tricky decisions.  

As a strategic leader, you should expect excellence from yourself and your team while allowing grace during challenges and transitions. 

Focusing on culture

Workplace culture plays a pivotal role in shaping organizational behavior and performance. 

Strategic leaders prioritize a positive, inclusive culture that aligns with the organization's values and objectives. They understand this fosters employee engagement, motivation and loyalty. 

As a strategic leader, encourage workplace satisfaction by creating an environment that values open communication, collaboration and personal growth. 

When you ensure your team feels valued and supported, they will be more productive, creative and willing to align with your vision.

Refining strategies

Strategic leadership requires continuous improvement and evolution. Reassessing strategies when new information arises or things change is crucial to stay on course. 

Remain flexible to lead your team through changes with less resistance. 

Visionary thinker

Strategic leaders are visionary thinkers who can envision a compelling future for their organization and articulate it clearly to inspire and motivate their team. 

They possess a keen sense of foresight, allowing them to anticipate trends, challenges and opportunities. 

As a strategic leader, cultivate your visionary thinking skills by staying informed, seeking diverse perspectives and challenging assumptions. 

Craft a clear, inspiring vision to rally your team around a shared purpose and drive change.

How to be a strategic leader

1. Think strategically

Develop a strategic mindset to ensure your mind is always ready for new challenges. 

Always consider the long-term impact of your actions and decisions. Focus on the big picture and how your efforts contribute to achieving organizational goals.

2. Act strategically

Set clear objectives for yourself and your team, prioritize your initiatives and allocate resources effectively. 

Calculated risks are a crucial aspect of strategic leadership. It also involves preparing to pivot if you see changing dynamics or unexpected developments. 

3. Influence strategically

Strategic leaders understand the importance of building relationships. To gain buy-in for your vision, constantly strengthen relationships and positively influence your team and stakeholders. 

Develop strong communication and persuasion skills. Your goal is to inspire and mobilize others, so your communication must go above and beyond to connect effectively.

What strategic leadership is not

Strategic leadership differs from traditional leadership styles. It seeks innovative solutions to conventional and unexpected challenges. 

Strategic leadership avoids the following pitfalls:


Good leaders know how to delegate appropriately and trust their team members. They avoid micromanaging and recognize that empowering others leads to better results. 


Strategic leadership requires flexibility and adaptability. Rigid plans can make it harder to progress and respond to changing circumstances. 

Strategic leaders are open to adjusting their approach when necessary.

Overlooking others

Strategic leadership extends beyond individual capabilities and requires collaboration and vision. These leaders actively seek collaboration, value diverse perspectives and commit to continuous improvement for everyone. 

How to become a strategic leader

Becoming a strategic leader requires a proactive approach to personal and professional development. 

Focusing on key areas such as self-improvement, seeking feedback and leading by example can enhance your leadership skills and guide your team toward success. 

Here are some actionable steps you can take to become a more strategic leader:

Invest in self-development

Continuously seek opportunities to enhance your leadership skills, expand your knowledge base and develop a strategic mindset. Wondering how?

  • read books about leadership, 
  • engage in training programs or seminars, 
  • pursue advanced degrees or certifications and 
  • seek mentorship from experienced leaders.

Seek opinions

Surround yourself with people who bring different viewpoints and expertise to the table. 

Expanding your professional network is an excellent way to meet new people and challenge your mindset. 

Actively request feedback and input from team members, peers and stakeholders for insights.

Lead by example

Setting a strong example is the most actionable aspect of strategic leadership but sometimes the most difficult to implement. 

Demonstrate the qualities of a strategic leader in your actions and decisions. 

Be transparent, accountable and adaptable. You’ll naturally inspire others to embrace strategic thinking and innovation.

Leadership styles employed by strategic leaders

Strategic leaders often combine leadership styles to guide their organizations toward success. 

Four common leadership styles are visionary, participative, transformational and transactional. 

Each style emphasizes different aspects of leadership that you can choose from depending on the situation and your team’s needs:

Visionary leadership 

Strategic leaders use this style to articulate a clear vision for the future and inspire others to work toward shared goals. Visionary leaders are often charismatic and encourage innovative thinking.

Participative leadership 

Strategic leaders often employ this style to gather input and feedback from team members and encourage participation in the decision-making process.

Involving others in planning and problem-solving with participative leadership fosters a sense of ownership and commitment among team members. This can be crucial for applying strategic initiatives effectively.

Transformational leadership

Strategic leaders may employ this style to inspire their team to perform well and create significant organizational change.

Transformational leaders focus on developing their teams and challenging the status quo.

Transactional leadership

This style relies on establishing clear structures, expectations and rewards for team members. Transactional leaders focus on short-term goals, efficiency and stability. 

Strategic leaders may use this style to meet immediate objectives while working toward long-term goals.

Using these different styles helps strategic leaders adapt to situations while maintaining a clear vision. 

Examples of strategic leadership

Steve Jobs at Apple

Steve Jobs' visionary leadership transformed Apple into one of the world's most innovative, influential companies. Apple’s groundbreaking products, such as the iPhone and iPad, revolutionized entire industries and reshaped consumer expectations. 

Indra Nooyi at PepsiCo

Indra Nooyi demonstrated strategic leadership as the former CEO of PepsiCo. She diversified the company's product portfolio with healthier snack options and pursued sustainable business practices. 

Her strategic vision and commitment to corporate social responsibility propelled PepsiCo's growth and sustainability efforts.

Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand

Ardern quickly rose through New Zealand’s political ranks and became Prime Minister. Proving herself a new type of leader, she demonstrated quick and decisive actions during the pandemic and was unafraid to voice ‘controversial’ opinions.

Develop your strategic leadership skills as you embrace the power of communication 

Strategic leadership is not just a buzzword. It’s a practical framework for navigating today's complex professional landscape with clarity and purpose. 

Mastering the strategic leadership process and developing essential skills can elevate your leadership effectiveness to make a meaningful impact on your organization and its people.

As you continue to become a strong strategic leader, remember that it's not just about reaching a destination. You need to continuously evolve and adapt to thrive in an ever-changing landscape. 


How important is strategic leadership?

Strategic leadership is crucial for navigating uncertain environments, driving innovation and achieving sustainable growth and expansion.

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