Why is communication important in the workplace? Types, benefits and tips

Unfortunately, companies don’t always place as much importance on effective communication skills as they should. When employees can communicate effectively, productivity increases follow. Fewer misunderstandings, clearer instructions and the ability to get information on demand all drive these productivity increases.

But it isn’t just productivity that improves with enhanced communication. Employees are more likely to be happy in their jobs when they have freedom to communicate their concerns and feel heard. Increased job satisfaction translates to increased engagement, decreased turnover and improved recruitment.

Employees who are empowered to share their feedback are also less restrained when doing so. Nerves and fear are less likely, and the company benefits from greater innovation and creativity.

In this article, we’ll explore the value of workplace communication and how to improve it both in the office and when working remotely.

Benefits of workplace communication

Besides the broader benefits listed above, effective workplace communication offers several less obvious advantages.

Companies that prioritize communication tend to experience the following benefits:

Streamlined decision-making processes

When communication is easy, information flows readily between employees at all levels of the company. This means all team members can quickly contribute their insights when a decision is needed. More meaningful feedback enables management to make well-informed decisions

Enhanced team collaboration and cohesion

Open and effective communication fosters a sense of unity and understanding among team members. It allows for the seamless exchange of ideas, which builds a culture of mutual support. Team members can work together more effectively toward their goals in an environment like this.

Leadership and professional growth

As employees become more comfortable expressing their ideas and providing feedback, they also learn critical leadership skills. Communication isn’t just a key component of good leadership; it nurtures other leadership skills, such as empathy and active listening.

Increased organizational flexibility and innovation

Clear communication enhances organizational agility, enabling teams to adapt quickly to changing circumstances. They are empowered to seize new opportunities, realign priorities, redistribute resources and pivot strategies when needed.

When change occurs, everyone needs to be informed. Otherwise, they may feel confused, unappreciated and sidelined, harming job performance and motivation.

Good workplace communication also facilitates the flow of ideas, feedback and information across all levels. When communication channels are open and effective, employees feel empowered to share their thoughts, suggest improvements and collaborate on innovative solutions.

Stronger company culture and community

Employees are more likely to develop a sense of belonging and loyalty when they feel connected to the workplace and believe their voice is heard. This improves morale and job satisfaction and helps build a community within the workplace.

7 common types of communication in the workplace

Before you can learn how to improve your business’s communication practices, you need to know about the types of communication that take place. Each plays a role in shaping workplace culture – even those that seem completely unrelated to work.

Below, we break down the seven most common types of workplace communication.

Leadership communication

Leadership communication refers to how managers convey their vision, values and expectations to the people who work under them. A leader who can’t do this effectively won’t be an effective leader.

The ability to communicate clearly fosters a positive work environment and encourages transparency. Without effective communication, team goals and members won’t be aligned. These skills are especially important during a crisis with high tension and rapid changes.

Upward communication

Upward communication is the opposite of leadership communication. It involves information flowing from the lower levels of a company’s hierarchy to the top.

This type of communication comes in the form of feedback, suggestions and reports from employees to management team members. Employees who can’t share feedback in this way are less likely to feel heard and appreciated. This can eradicate morale and decrease productivity.

Upward communication is how good leaders keep abreast of employee satisfaction, workplace challenges and potential improvements.

Customer communications

A company can’t survive without customers. This makes customer communication one of the most important things a company can focus on.

This communication category includes all interactions between a company and its customers – everything from marketing messages and support interactions to service updates and beyond.

When done right, customer communications allow the business to understand customer needs, address their concerns promptly and provide better service. The company will benefit from increased loyalty and word-of-mouth advertising as a result.


Everyone is familiar with meetings. They involve staff gathering to discuss business matters such as company objectives, strategies, progress and other issues. They are a ubiquitous part of the work experience.

Many people find meetings dull and time-consuming, but they need to be compelling and interesting if you want the information you present in the meeting to stick. When it does, businesses see improved coordination, better progress monitoring and more informed and engaged employees.


Presentations are similar to meetings. They are a tool for delivering structured information and informing, persuading and inspiring your audience.

Companies use presentations to communicate internally or to customers. They allow them to share knowledge, pitch ideas, report on progress and influence decisions.

Good communication in this area creates a more captivating and compelling experience for listeners, increasing your chances of getting buy-in on whatever topic is being discussed. Effective communication here is vital, as presentations can impact everything from project approvals to strategic directions.


You’ll need to keep employees up to date on organizational changes outside of the formal confines of meetings or presentations. To do this, you might send updates. These are typically written communications in email or memo form.

Providing timely updates helps the business manage expectations, maintain transparency and keep everyone aligned with the direction the company is taking.

Updates are particularly helpful for managers and leaders. They enable them to clearly communicate ideas, keep stakeholders informed and contribute to a culture of openness and accountability.

Informal interactions

These interactions can be casual conversations with little or nothing to do with work, spontaneous meetings or any other kind of non-official communication on the job.

While their direct relation to work may be minimal, these interactions contribute most to a sense of community. This is often where employees share ideas most freely, leading to creative solutions.

These informal communications also make management more approachable and improve morale when they cross hierarchical barriers.

Ways to develop communication skills at work

Here are some ways to develop your workplace communication:

  • Practice active listening: focus on understanding the speaker’s message and provide feedback. Ask clarifying questions if needed.
  • Enhance your non-verbal communication: body language, tone of voice and eye contact are all non-verbal cues that can impact how your message is perceived.
  • Engage in regular feedback: give and solicit constructive feedback to develop a culture of openness.
  • Adapt to your audience: tailor your communication style and method to fit your audience’s preferences and expectations.
  • Develop your emotional intelligence: being aware of your emotions and recognizing other people’s emotions will make you a better communicator.
  • Take communication skills classes: workshops, webinars or courses developed to enhance communication skills can provide valuable insights and practical strategies.
  • Practice public speaking skills: many people struggle with nerves when public speaking. Practicing as much as possible will help overcome these concerns.
  • Read widely and often: exposure to different writing styles and vocabulary can improve your written and verbal communication skills.

How to improve communication when working remotely

Communication can be especially difficult when working remotely, but it’s equally important. Here are some helpful tips:

Leverage technology

New technologies and platforms make communication for remote workers smoother and easier.

For example, you can use video conferencing platforms for face-to-face communication, chat programs for instant communications and other messaging platforms for less pressing communications. The key is using the right tool for the required communication level.

Establish clear communication protocols

Establish which tools should be used for which purpose to keep communication consistent. This ensures that everyone knows to check the relevant channels. Set expectations for how quickly team members respond and implement regular check-ins.

Build a culture that values openness

Promote a culture where people feel comfortable sharing ideas, asking questions and providing feedback. Look for and address any communication issues that arise. Training sessions on effective communication can be helpful here.

Manage time zone differences

Remote work means nobody is guaranteed to be working on the same schedule. When meetings need to take place at a fixed time, be sure to find a time that’s somewhat convenient for everyone. Try to balance out any inconveniences if you have team members joining a meeting from multiple time zones.

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