PPP #116: Be like a rollercoaster

PPP #116: Be like a rollercoaster
Pip’s Practical Prompts Newsletter
Sent by Charles Burdett


Be like a rollercoaster

Want to structure your stories better? Take a lesson from rollercoasters.

They build up tension by taking you up - just like stories do when the stakes are raised.

Then, they offer a release, like when the protagonist escapes danger or gets what they wanted.

They also operate at exaggerated speed and height - like setting your story in more exciting circumstances.

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Uncover your value

All cars could be labelled as machines that take you from point A to point B. 

But we all know that, depending on the brand, they provide different feelings and values. 

When you focus on the product you sell (a car), your marketing gets generic. 

When you focus on value (be fast, be eco-conscious), you can truly stand out.

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Ride the wave

Humans are allergic to uncertainty. We can only stand it for limited periods of time - provided there is a payoff at the end.

But certainty is overrated. It means you’re staying in your comfort zone.

If you learn to ride the waves of doubt, you’ll be able to reach unexpected outcomes.

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