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PPP #104: The Duck Syndrome

PPP #104: The Duck Syndrome
Pip’s Practical Prompts Newsletter
Sent by Charles Burdett


The Duck Syndrome

Chronically overwhelmed employees become adept at concealing how much they’re struggling.

Just like a duck that seems to be floating above the water effortlessly, but its legs are paddling really fast.

Try to be more observant of your team and help them overcome challenges.

And remember: what doesn’t overwhelm you can still overwhelm someone else. 

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I’ll get you there

Your customers set goals all the time in the hopes of improving.

Instead of selling a product, can you sell a goal?

If you’re advertising sports clothes - focus on the fitness transformation.

If it’s a task management app - focus on how it will help people be more productive.

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Bold dreams

To-do lists without a big goal lack direction.

Likewise, big goals that have no concrete tasks attached to them are unlikely to go anywhere.

Turn a big dream into an attainable goal by breaking it into tasks you can do today, this week, this month, and so on.

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