PPP #129: Starting from the top

PPP #129: Starting from the top
Pip’s Practical Prompts Newsletter
Sent by Charles Burdett


Starting from the top

The first figure you mention during a negotiation becomes an anchor.

Your counterpart will likely want to talk you down from that amount.

That’s why you should never start with the lowest number you’ll accept. Instead, start high to give yourself more room for a great result.

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The side-switch method

Want to navigate disagreements more effectively?

Put yourself on the other side - by imagining a world where you’re wrong.

Write down four of their arguments and try to understand their strengths and weaknesses.

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A balanced plate

If you want a child to eat their vegetables, you might have to serve them with foods they already like.

And if you want to educate your audience, you can use the same method!

Make sure the ‘vegetables’ - or the real lesson of your story - are served in an exciting way, e.g. using videos, humour, or a personal story.

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