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PPP #20: The best tool for improvement

PPP #20: The best tool for improvement
Pip’s Practical Prompts Newsletter
Sent by Charles Burdett


Create a culture of feedback.

The best tool for improvement is honest, humble feedback.

Nurture your team by coming together regularly to reflect on how to improve.

A culture of feedback is only possible when lead by example. So make it clear you welcome feedback by asking for it often.

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Make it personal.

Few things are as captivating as a personal story, especially ones that have you succeeding against the odds.

Think back to when you have triumphed over extreme adversity. How would you tell it as a story?

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Go with the flow.

Planning your workshop is important but don't make it so rigid it stifles impromptu situations.

The best facilitators allow for off-the-cuff discussions because it's where some of the most inspired ideas can come from.

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