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PPP #93: A burnout-proof to-do list

PPP #93: A burnout-proof to-do list
Pip’s Practical Prompts Newsletter
Sent by Charles Burdett


A burnout-proof to-do list

Want to make your to-do list burnout-proof?

It’s key that you know what your most important tasks are and which ones you could skip.

Separate the items into three sections: Major (tackle them first), Miscellaneous (quick tasks to do when you have less brain power) and Maybe (pick up when the rest is done).

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The wisdom of crowds

How effective is one person at guessing the number of marbles in a jar? Not much.

But studies show that if you ask many people to guess, the average of their answers is pretty close to the truth.

Teams are powerful, even in a world that moves away from on-site work. Next time you avoid asking your colleagues for help, remind yourself of the jar of marbles! 

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Ditch doubtful language

When you’re presenting, the points made in a timid manner will be ignored.

Your audience is looking for certainty in your voice and vocabulary.

To make them trust your story, get rid of qualifiers such as might, some, seems like, and quite.

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