Theme Sort
What is the Theme Sort card?
Make sense of large amounts of information by clustering similar things together to find the theme.
When you have a lot of sticky notes, grouping them by similarity allows themes to emerge. This helps you make sense of a large amount of information, which makes it easier to prioritise.
How to use the Theme Sort card
1. Make sure you’ve got a lot of wall space.
2. Whatever kind of information you have on your sticky notes, make sure there is one point per note.
3. Put the sticky notes on the wall, reading each one aloud as you do.
4. Each time you put up a new sticky note, ask yourself if it’s related to or similar to a previous one. Place it near the existing note. If it’s exactly the same, place it behind.
5. When all the sticky notes have been clustered, write a title for each on a larger sticky note. These are your themes.
6. Review the outliers; they may belong in smaller clusters.
Tip: it’s easier to Theme Sort as you go. If you try to do it afterwards, it becomes more difficult to organise them.
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Theme Sort is one of 54 team management cards inside the Team Tactics card deck.
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