
One-to-One - Pip Decks

What is the One-to-One card?

Guide your team members to set goals they are motivated to achieve. Understand where they are now and where they want to be.

Getting to know the needs of your team members will allow you to open up opportunities for them to achieve their goals.

“Motivation is the single most important factor in any sort of success.” – Edmund Hillary.

How to use the One-to-One card

1. Write three headings: Hard skills, Soft Skills and Personal Goals on a large surface. For each, ask your mentee to write down as many skills/goals as they can think of related to their practice.

2. Choose 3 to 6 items from each list that you’d like to focus on. These are stretch goals. If you are going to do the thing anyway, choose something else.

3. Draw three large circles with five rings. Plot where you are now and where you want to be, with 5 being, “I’m completely new to this” and 1 meaning, “I could teach this”.

4. Choose one item you’d like to focus on. Set OKRs and discuss every two weeks.

• Work gets busy, don’t cancel this one-to-one meeting.
• Share learnings across the company to encourage collaboration. Community of Practices are a good place to do this.
• Give regular feedback using a Retro format.
• If things get tricky, try Accountability Dial.

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One-to-One is one of 54 team management cards inside the Team Tactics card deck.

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