A starter's guide to visual storytelling

Want to engage an audience in any setting? Visual storytelling is a powerful tool that combines visuals with narratives to convey your message. 

While the basics of visual storytelling can be tricky for newcomers, we’ll help you master them. Ready to take your projects to the next level?

Keep reading to discover the impact of visual stories, the key elements of visual storytelling and where you can use it.

What is visual storytelling?

Visual storytelling delivers messages, stories, and other information through rich visuals such as photographs and videos. This storytelling technique sticks with the audience and often resonates emotionally, making people more likely to remember a brand’s messaging. 

Why is visual storytelling important?

Visual storytelling is an incredibly helpful tool for content creators, marketers and artists. But it doesn’t stop there. Visual storytelling goes beyond creative roles. It works across many industries, whether you’re delivering a presentation on construction or marketing a new drug. 

But why is this method so powerful? Here are some of the main reasons:

Increased retention

Information overload is a serious modern-day problem. As a result of this overwhelm, it's much easier for some people to process and understand visuals than text. 

Something in a visual format is also more likely to stand out. So, presenting information as a visual story makes it easier for your audience to process and remember it.

Emotional connection

Visual storytelling creates a deep, lasting emotional connection with your audience. A well-crafted visual narrative can evoke emotions that plain text would struggle to achieve. 

This makes the audience more likely to remember the story and the associated brand or person.

Active engagement

As the lines between content creators and consumers blur, visual storytelling becomes a valuable tool for actively engaging audiences. 

Instead of just reading or hearing a story, audiences can join in, heightening their engagement and making the experience more memorable.

Ease of understanding

Visual storytelling can articulate concepts more effectively than text, whether you’re discussing a big idea, a new product or a unique service. 

This technique breaks complex ideas into understandable and relatable stories, significantly improving your audience's understanding.

The impact of visual stories

Visual stories leave a strong impression on the viewer. These creations can inspire ideas, evoke emotions, start a conversation or offer a fresh perspective on a familiar theme.

Visual storytelling has the power to grab attention, engage the audience and leave a lasting impression. It can change attitudes, behaviors and perceptions across many fields, including:

Marketing and advertising

Visual stories play a major role in brand positioning and consumer persuasion. Visuals define a brand’s identity and shape consumers' perceptions of a product or service. 

With the right visuals and engaging narratives, a brand can effectively communicate its unique selling points, giving it a competitive advantage.

People love sharing well-crafted adverts, so brands that create great stories will see more engagement online and offline. 


Visual storytelling can assist with education by:

  • simplifying complex concepts, 
  • making learning more fun and interactive and
  • improving recall and understanding. 

Teachers can use visual stories to illustrate a historical event, explain a scientific theory or demonstrate how a mathematical formula works without using too much dry text. 

This can make learning more engaging, effective and enjoyable for students. 

Journalism and documentary filmmaking

Visual stories can reveal truths, raise awareness and fuel social change. They can bring unseen realities into the public eye, highlight critical issues and give a voice to the unheard.

Journalists can use compelling visual storytelling to evoke empathy, inspire action and drive impact.

Art and design

For artists and designers, visual stories are a medium of self-expression and creativity. 

Artists can use visuals to bring their ideas to life, portray unique perspectives and prompt specific audience emotions or reactions. 

These thought-provoking, aesthetically pleasing artworks can captivate the viewer and leave a lasting impression.

Emotional connection through visuals

Visual storytelling can create an emotional bond with viewers unlike any other medium. 

Carefully chosen visuals can tell a tale that resonates more with an audience than a thousand words. This emotional bonding makes the story more memorable and reinforces its message.

Enhancing communication through visuals

Visual storytelling is an effective tool for enhancing and improving communication in an engaging and digestible format. It adds a visual dimension to the narrative, making it easier for the audience to remember. 

Graphic elements often convey subtleties and nuances better than text. For instance, colors, symbols and images can produce certain emotions and impressions that may be difficult to put into words. 

Visual storytelling can communicate abstract ideas in a more intuitive and engaging way, making it a valuable addition to any communication strategy.

Images go beyond language and cultural barriers, allowing visual stories to reach a more diverse audience. This universal appeal makes visual storytelling indispensable in global communication and marketing strategies. 

Creating memorable experiences through visuals

Visual storytelling creates memorable experiences by involving the viewers, making them a part of the narrative, and appealing to their senses. 

This ensures they understand and remember the message for a long time. These experiences can influence thoughts, attitudes, decisions and behaviors long after viewing.

Visual storytelling often uses an audience's senses to create immersive experiences. Color, motion and sound can stimulate the senses and create a deeper connection to the story. 

Creating a memorable experience hinges upon the ability to paint a vivid picture through an engaging story and visuals.

A story needs structure and a clear progression. Dramatic tension or plot twists ensure you can keep your audience engaged.

Additionally, user interactivity can elevate the experience of visual storytelling. For example, you could try a choose-your-own-adventure style story or ask the audience to click on an infographic for more information. 

Allowing viewers to interact with the story keeps them interested, making them more likely to recall the experience afterward.

Key elements of visual storytelling

Creating a visual story is more than just adding images or graphics to text. Strategic visuals enhance your narrative, adding depth to your story. 

This could mean using:

  • a series of images to show a progression of events, 
  • a graph to make complex data easier to understand, 
  • an infographic to simplify a complicated process or 
  • any number of other elements in creative ways.

The key is to ensure your visuals serve a specific purpose and contribute to the narrative.

A few elements make visual storytelling effective, including: 

  • a clear message, 
  • a well-thought-out design, 
  • visual hierarchy and 
  • a clear subject. 

Let's explore these in more detail.

Clear message

Visual storytelling requires a clear message, so each component of the narrative and its visuals should be easily understandable. 

Your story’s message should be instantly obvious and resonate with the audience. This does not mean oversimplifying the content. Just make sure you deliver it in a clear and compelling way. 

Well-thought-out design

Design is crucial for your visual story to be effective, so focus on its layout, colors and fonts. The design elements should be visually pleasing and guide the viewer through the story fluidly and intuitively. 

They should: 

  • highlight key points, 
  • maintain the viewer's interest, 
  • effectively highlight your message and
  • ensure it reaches your audience. 

A well-thought-out design strategy can influence how the audience perceives and interacts with the visual story, directly impacting their engagement and the story's overall success.

Visual hierarchy

Visual hierarchy is a design term for arranging visual elements to signify importance. 

It guides the viewer's eye from one element to the next based on its size, color or placement, logically leading them through your story. 

Carefully arranging your story helps viewers understand it without getting overwhelmed with details. It ensures your audience notices the most crucial points first, followed by extra information. 

This is necessary in visual storytelling because it organizes the narrative and maintains a steady flow, ensuring viewers remain engaged and follow the story smoothly. 

Skillfully crafting a visual hierarchy means you control the pace and progression of your narrative, directing the audience's attention to exactly where you want it.

A clear subject

A clear subject is the cornerstone of effective visual storytelling. Your visuals should help your audience immediately understand the story’s theme.

The strategic use of imagery, symbols and text can ensure your audience understands your point. They provide a reference point for viewers to return to, helping them absorb your story. 

Moreover, a clear subject reinforces the message and makes it more memorable, enhancing the impact of the visual story.

Visual storytelling in different mediums

Visual storytelling is integral to various mediums, like:

  • Books involve pictures, diagrams and illustrations to tell a story or convey a concept. 
  • Films use scenes, costumes and props to narrate a story. 
  • Graphic design uses colors, shapes, fonts and images to communicate a message. 
  • Digital marketing uses videos, infographics and interactive content to engage an audience and promote a brand.

Studying the type of media you wish to create can help you learn the tricks of the trade. It can also help you discover the most useful techniques for telling your story.

Techniques for effective visual storytelling

Successful visual storytelling requires mastering certain techniques, including:

Creating narrative through visuals

Visuals tell a story regardless of the medium. A series of images can show how events evolve or demonstrate cause and effect. Visual tricks like this can help a storyteller tell their audience a lot without speaking a word.

Visual metaphors

Visual metaphors use one concept or image to represent another, providing a deep, symbolic meaning to your work. 

For example, a brand might use the visual metaphor of a journey to illustrate personal growth. 

Visually representing a metaphor can make an abstract idea more understandable and relatable to the audience. 

You should carefully design and choose your visual metaphor to ensure it aligns with your narrative and audience.

Role of visual storytelling in everyday life

Visual storytelling is ever-present in our lives. From social media posts and blogs to personal experiences, we encounter visual storytelling every day. 

Powerful visual storytelling examples

Visual storytelling takes marketing to the next level, so it’s no surprise that we can find it everywhere. Some notable examples include: 

Apple's "Shot on iPhone" campaign

This successful marketing campaign encourages iPhone users to capture stunning photos and videos on their Apple devices. 

Highlighting the excellent quality of iPhone cameras, the campaign effectively uses visual storytelling to showcase real-life examples of the product's features in action. 

The resulting images tell diverse and compelling visual stories across the world.

Dove's "Real Beauty" campaign

Dove's "Real Beauty" campaign used powerful visuals to challenge conventional beauty standards. 

It featured many diverse women, expressing that we shouldn’t define beauty by stereotypes. This campaign told a powerful visual story about self-acceptance and inclusivity.

National Geographic 

Since publishing its first magazine in 1888, National Geographic has stunned audiences with incredible imagery and tales from across the globe. 

In a more modern twist, its Instagram account is a treasure trove of compelling visual stories. With breathtaking photographs and informative captions, each post looks into natural wonders, various cultures and pressing environmental issues.

The future of visual storytelling

The future of visual storytelling is full of exciting possibilities. Technology is rapidly evolving, meaning innovative techniques are emerging. 

Virtual reality promises a multi-dimensional experience that could change the landscape of visual storytelling.

Ready to start exploring storytelling? Gain inspiration from Pip Decks’ Storytelling Tactics card deck and start crafting an incredible story today.


What is the difference between visual storytelling and graphic design?

Visual storytelling shares a message through visuals. Graphic design creates visually appealing assets to grab attention, communicate information or inspire action without a specific narrative.

How can visual storytelling benefit businesses outside of marketing and advertising?

Businesses can use visuals to simplify complicated processes or guidelines for employees. They can also illustrate a product's benefits in a more engaging way for customers.

Can visual storytelling be text-heavy?

While visual storytelling relies heavily on visuals, it doesn't necessarily exclude text. The key is to ensure the visuals are the primary focus. Any text should enhance the visual narrative rather than dominate it.

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