How to overcome a fear of public speaking

Does the mere thought of standing in front of an audience induce a deep sense of anxiety and fear? This fear, known as glossophobia, can significantly hinder personal and professional growth. 

If you are a manager, entrepreneur, marketer, or consultant, you likely need to speak to groups of people in professional settings. 

Exploring the symptoms, causes, and practical strategies to overcome your fear of public speaking will empower you to communicate confidently and clearly. 

The fear of public speaking stems from our ancestral survival instincts, persisting as an evolutionary relic in our brains. 

Though we no longer face the literal threat of predators on the savannah, the primitive part of our brain perceives an audience as a potential danger. However, through deliberate retraining and practice, we can override these instincts and rewire our brains to perceive public speaking as a non-threatening activity.

What are the symptoms of a fear of public speaking (glossophobia)?

Glossophobia manifests in a myriad of physical and psychological symptoms, ranging from mild nervousness to debilitating anxiety. Common symptoms that you may recognize from experience include: 

  • trembling
  • sweating
  • rapid heartbeat
  • increased blood pressure 
  • stiffening of muscles
  • dry mouth
  • nausea
  • a sense of dread or panic

These symptoms may appear at the mere thought of speaking in public and come with negative thoughts and self-doubt that further exacerbate the fear.

What causes glossophobia?

A fear of public speaking may develop early in life or over time due to a triggering event, and the reasoning varies for different individuals.

Biological, psychological, and environmental factors may cause Glossophobia. Understanding glossophobia's root causes and triggers is essential for devising effective counterstrategies.
Fear and anxiety related to public speaking can stem from various factors, such as:

Past traumatic experiences: embarrassing experiences such as forgetting your lines midway through a presentation or receiving harsh criticism after a public speaking engagement can create fear and lead to avoidance.

Fear of judgment: the fear of being judged by the audience for your appearance, lack of knowledge, or delivery can trigger anxiety.

Perfectionism: constantly striving for perfection and fearing failure can feel debilitating. Often, we are our own harshest critics, scrutinizing every detail relentlessly.

Lack of confidence: speakers at all levels commonly have Imposter Syndrome, thinking that what they say isn’t valuable or important, undermining their confidence. 

Tips to help you overcome the fear of public speaking

There are practical strategies to conquer fear and become a confident public speaker. Implementing multiple techniques can build confidence and communication skills:

Choose a topic you're passionate about

You will likely feel more confident and engaged when genuinely interested in and passionate about your topic. This familiarity with your topic breeds confidence because you feel more comfortable discussing something you know well.

Chris Anderson, TED Talks curator, delves into this while explaining what makes an idea worth spreading. “Ideas are complex things; you need to slash back your content so that you can focus on the single idea you're most passionate about and give yourself a chance to explain that one thing properly,” says Anderson.  

Be prepared

If unprepared, you may face challenges such as stumbling over words, losing your train of thought, or feeling unsure about the content you are presenting.

Knowing what you are going to say beforehand decreases uncertainty and anxiety. It provides a sense of structure and direction, allowing you to navigate your presentation more easily and clearly.

Preparation reduces the likelihood of being caught off guard or unprepared when faced with unexpected challenges during the presentation. 

Practice, practice, practice

There are numerous methods to practice speaking. 

Regular practice is crucial to improvement and confidence. 

Practice in front of trusted friends or family and request feedback. 

Alternatively, practice solo in front of a mirror or record yourself on video to fine-tune your body language, pacing, and vocal expression.

Work on your breathing and relaxation 

Deep breathing exercises can help calm your nerves and regulate your breathing during moments of anxiety. 

To stay grounded and composed, practice breathing and relaxation techniques such as box breathing, alternate nostril breathing, or progressive muscle relaxation (while practicing and during your speech)

You may wish to explore and try different techniques to find the most effective ones. 

Hire a coach 

Hiring a professional public speaking coach can be invaluable. These coaches offer tailored guidance and support to work through your anxiety and fear. 

Personalized coaching sessions can provide constructive feedback, practical strategies, and encouragement to build your confidence and effectiveness as a speaker. 

You can also use AI tools like, an AI-powered platform that offers speech analysis, personalized feedback, and coaching to help you improve your presentation skills.


Visualization, frequently used in sports psychology and public speaking coaching, entails mentally rehearsing specific scenarios, such as delivering a flawless presentation to a large audience or confidently handling unexpected questions during a Q&A session. 

Some experts suggest adding realism by imagining speaking to a “typical audience.” Some will be engaged and smiling, a few might look puzzled, and a handful are distractedly looking at their phones.

Take a public speaking class

Enrolling in a public speaking course or workshop can provide structured guidance and support from experienced instructors, allowing you to develop essential skills in a supportive environment. 

Toastmasters is a long-established, supportive organization that helps individuals improve their public speaking and leadership skills through practice and constructive feedback.

Exercise before you speak

Engage in physical activity or exercise before your speech to release tension and boost endorphins, promoting a positive mood and mindset. Hit the gym and choose your favorite exercises to ensure your workout is as pleasurable as possible.  

Tony Robbins is known for incorporating vigorous physical routines, like jumping on a trampoline to energize himself before speaking engagements.

Read more

Knowledge is power. Expand your knowledge and confidence by reading books, articles, and resources on public speaking and communication skills. 

Seek out books written by motivational speakers, educators, renowned leaders, or others who have perfected the art of public speaking. 

Focus on the story you’re telling, not the audience's thoughts

Storytelling serves as a powerful antidote to the fear of public speaking. Speakers establish a genuine connection with their own emotions and experiences by weaving personal narratives into presentations. 

This authenticity not only grounds them in the moment but also engenders a sense of relatability and empathy from the audience, alleviating the fear of judgment and fostering a supportive atmosphere.

Use positive affirmations 

Harness the power of positive affirmations to affirm your readiness and capability. Repeating statements such as, "I am well-prepared and ready to deliver my message," can bolster your self-assurance and mental clarity, reinforcing your belief in your abilities.

How is glossophobia treated?

If implementing these tips doesn’t help you overcome your fear to the extent you’d like, consider seeking additional support from a mental health professional to address the psychological and physiological aspects of fear. Depending on your specific circumstances and the severity of your fear, different treatment options are available, including lifestyle changes, therapy, and, in some cases, medication.


Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is particularly effective in treating glossophobia by helping individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns and beliefs associated with public speaking. Exposure therapy (ET), as the name suggests, exposes the individual to situations that trigger glossophobia. Managed exposure allows the mind to process and adapt to the triggers so that the individual can learn management techniques for their fear and anxiety. Through gradual exposure and desensitization techniques, therapists assist clients in building confidence and mastering relaxation strategies to manage anxiety.


A few supportive lifestyle interventions you might explore include regular exercise for stress reduction, prioritizing sleep and avoiding excessive caffeine or alcohol (which can heighten anxiety). Gradually confront your fear by exposing yourself to speaking opportunities, starting with smaller, low-pressure settings. Foster confidence through positive self-talk and envisioning successful speaking experiences.


In certain situations, such as when diagnosed with social anxiety disorder, your physician might recommend anti-anxiety medications to mitigate the anxiety symptoms linked to public speaking. Remember to adhere strictly to prescribed medication and seek guidance exclusively from healthcare professionals.

Conquering public speaking with confidence

Overcoming the fear of public speaking requires patience, dedication, practice, and self-awareness. You can transform your fear into confidence and become a more compelling communicator by implementing effective coping strategies and tapping into support such as cognitive behavioral therapy, professional coaching, and practicing in a supportive, non-judgmental environment with peers.

At Pip Decks, we understand how powerful storytelling can be in public speaking. We can help you learn to craft a memorable story that will inspire your team, customers, and clients.

Our Storyteller Tactics Deck goes beyond simple facts and helps you create a story that resonates emotionally with your audience. It teaches you how to pick the right story for the right moment so you can upgrade your presentations and tell entertaining, engaging stories.

Start your journey to confident public speaking today with Pip Decks!

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