Team Strategy

Team Strategy - Pip Decks

What is the Team Strategy card?

Help your team make decisions, and give them purpose and the autonomy needed to get stuff done.

Aligning your team’s strategy to existing company goals is not only important, but essential for the organisation to pull in the same direction. When the direction is clear – you’re happy, your team is happy, and so is your organisation.

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

How to use the Team Strategy card

1. Write down a situation you want to change with your team.

For example: improve design/engineering handovers.

2. How are we going to get there? Write down all the most immediate tasks you could do to change that.

For example: invite engineers to Design Crits.

3. What will be different when we get there? Look through the tasks from Q2 and ask ‘why?’. Write two of the whys.

For example: we’ll spot issues earlier, cutting down on repeat work.

4. Where are you going? For the above sentence, ask again ‘why?’ and add on another sentence.

For example: improve internal collaboration to give us more time to focus on what matters.

5. Summarise your answers from Q1-Q4 in the following order. Use Write Plain English to help.

• Where you are going? Improve collaboration so we can focus on what matters to our users.

• What will be different when we get there? Minimal repeat work.

• What do we need to change? Improve design/engineer hand overs.

• How are we going to get there? Invite devs to Design Crits

6. From the bottom, work through each statement and discuss ‘the why’. Revisit the questions until the answers align.

Follow up by setting OKRs. Use Decision Stack for further alignment and Force Field Analysis for feasibility.

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Team Strategy is one of 54 team management cards inside the Team Tactics card deck.

Ditch chaotic mess. Design great teams.