Top Tasks

Top Tasks - Pip Decks

What is the Top Tasks card?

Understand and improve what matters the most to your team or customers.

Focusing on what’s most important to your team or customers will create a better service and experience.
For example, reducing time to complete a task, or increasing task success rates.

“The worst ways to design something is to have five smart people in a room drinking lattes. This is the age of the customer and data.” – Gerry McGovern

How to use the Top Tasks card

1. Collect a list of all the possible tasks that your team or customers may want to complete.
For example: requesting research participants, contribute to the design system, designing a workshop etc.

2. Theme Sort your list until it has approx. 50 to 100 tasks.

3. In your group or using a survey, ask people to vote for the top 20 tasks that:
a.) They do the most.
b.) Are the most important.

4. Create a task league table from the results.

5. As a group, go through the tasks that have the most votes. Private Vote for the tasks that the group thinks it can have an effect on.

6. Use Force Field Analysis to evaluate how difficult it would be to create change for each one.

7. Use Task Modelling on the top tasks to understand how people currently complete the task.

8. Use Who, What, When to make sure the task is worked on.

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Top Tasks is one of 54 team management cards inside the Team Tactics card deck.

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